In the wake of COVID-19 outbreak, Sony, Star, Zee and the Viacom have decided to waive all tariffs and charges for four channels for a period of two months, the Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF) said on Saturday.
Sia, a slum dweller and migrant construction worker in Gurugram, near New Delhi, wakes up at 5 a.m. and defies Modi's call to stay indoors. The reason? She needs to walk 100 meters (328 feet) to a water tank that serves her slum of 70 migrant construction workers.
At present, seven funeral homes are running in Wuhan. The RFA report claimed 5,000 urns — almost double the number of deaths reported — had been distributed by Hankou Funeral Home’s supplier in a single day.
COVID-19 lockdown: TV viewing time up by 8%, smartphone usage by 6%. BARC and Nielsen have looked at January as the pre-Covid period and compared it with mid-March. TV viewing time has increased by over 70 billion minutes in India with average daily viewers growing by 32 million